2007 International Collegiate Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Mid-Atlantic District
Nominations Committee Request

The Mid-Atlantic District boasts an impressive tradition of leadership. These men have all shared a willingness to impart their views, to take action and to inspire others to shape the future of the Barbershop Harmony Society in the Mid-Atlantic District. For most, the first step was as simple as seeking a nomination for the District Board of Directors.

The Nominating Committee for the Mid-Atlantic District is now seeking nominations for candidates for the 2015 Mid-Atlantic District Board of Directors. In addition, the Committee is accepting recommendations for individuals to be considered for appointments to the MAD Operations Team and working committees.

Nominations are being sought for Executive Vice President (EVP) and Board Members At Large (BMAL). Each position is for a one year term. Every member of the Board may seek re-election upon completion of their term.

The EVP is traditionally considered a strong candidate to follow his one or possibly two terms as EVP to be nominated for District President. It is expected that all candidates for EVP acknowledge their ability to dedicate possibly six years of service to the District prior to seeking nomination: two years as EVP, two years as President, and two years as Immediate Past President.

The District BMALs are encouraged to rely upon experience on the Board as a BMAL to prepare for future Board leadership positions in the District.

All Board members are expected to attend four Board meetings and two House of Delegates meetings each year, as well as ad hoc teleconference meetings, as needed. Nominations will be closed on August 4, 2014. Any member of the District can be nominated and self-nominations are perfectly acceptable. To nominate yourself or another member of the Mid-Atlantic District for the Board of Directors, please complete the nomination application form (doc or pdf). The completed form should be emailed to the Nominating Committee chairman, Gary Plaag, at gplaagbhs@gmail.com. In addition, please include a picture or headshot of the individual being nominated.

Additionally, to volunteer or recommend someone else for appointment to a District Operations Team (OT) position, please submit a short statement of interest including what role or roles are being sought and why you or the individual you are recommending should be considered for an appointment to that/those position(s). A brief history of yours or the other individual�s administrative experience at the chapter level and/or outside of the Barbershop Harmony Society will be helpful. All nominations must include an acknowledgement that the nominee agrees to the nomination. Submissions must be sent to District Nominating Committee chairman, Gary Plaag, at gplaagbhs@gmail.com by August 4, 2014.

Please note that it is a requirement that ALL nominations for Board and/or OT positions be made only with the knowledge and agreement of the individual being nominated to willingly serve if elected/appointed.

Thank you for participating in the shaping and leadership of our great Mid-Atlantic District!


Gary Plaag
Board of Directors Nominating Committee Chairman
E-Mail � gplaagbhs@gmail.com

The future of barbershop harmony is every member�s business.

Board and Operations Team Positions
The MAD Nominating Committee is about to begin the process of reviewing candidates for potential membership on the district's Board of Directors and Operations Team. If you are interested in being considered for one of these positions or are interested in contributing to the district as a member of one of the functional committees, please contact any member of the district nominating committee. Similarly, if you know someone who should be considered for any position, please let us know that, too.

For information and completeness, all positions are listed below.

Board Positions:
Immediate Past President
Executive Vice President
Board Members at Large (4)

Operations Team Positions:
Executive Vice President (Chair)
DVP - Chapter Support & Leadership Training
DVP - Contest & Judging
DVP - Chorus Director Development
DVP - Events
DVP - Financial Development
DVP - Marketing & Public Relations
DVP - Membership
DVP - Music & Performance
DVP - Youth in Harmony
DVP - Atlantic Division
DVP - Northern Division
DVP - Southern Division
DVP - Western Division
Chief Information Officer

Why we need you
The Mid-Atlantic District has a rich history of harmony. Most of us have participated in one of many music education and performance programs throughout the years. Events such as Harmony College East, division and district conventions and contests, Youth Outreach Adjudications, chorus and quartet coaching, Standing Ovation Evaluations, visits from BHS Music men, etc., help us have more fun � and increase the entertainment value of our performances.

But behind the scenes, there are men working to plan and produce each of those events so the rest of us can have fun. Although the Board and Officers of the Mid-Atlantic District are the most visible component of this group of men, there are many more who commit themselves to doing the jobs that make all this activity possible.

Their work in teams and committees � sometimes only for a few weeks every year � make it possible for all of us to enjoy the benefits of barbershop harmony today. And, by their actions, these men mark themselves as potential future leaders in more responsible and visible positions of trust and service.

The MAD Nominating Committee is committed to a bright future for the MAD and our Society. Thus, we are looking for men to fill many key positions on district committees and teams to do important jobs and groom future leaders.
Why would you want to volunteer to serve?
Members of the �District family� derive many benefits from their service to others. Chief among them is the great personal satisfaction that comes from helping others more fully enjoy themselves. Other benefits include experiencing the larger fraternity of the MAD, developing new close friends all across the district, and helping ensure that future generations will also enjoy the many pleasures of barbershop harmony.
How to Use the Information
For example, below is a specific job for which we need a new staff member.

There are many ways individuals may contribute to the district. Review the list of teams below to see if (one of them might be of interest. ) { contact the person responsible or any member of the nominating committee to let us know of your interest. That�s all there it to it.

Available Positions

Assistant Secretary for Meetings
  • Job: Assist in set-up, registration, reports, and other services as required for the twice-yearly House of Delegates meetings.
  • Special knowledge / skills / tools: Must attend the meetings (most expenses reimbursed) and do some preparation and follow-up both prior and subsequent to the meetings. May need to print or replace materials as needed and sort materials for the Delegates. Must be able to work with others and project a helpful, friendly attitude.
  • Note: 1.5 days each in March and October, 2-4 hours between meetings.
  • Time Commitment: This is a new (additional) position and does not replace any existing volunteer.
  • Contact:

Where to go for more information about getting involved

District Teams & Committees: