2003 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society

Official Order of Appearance for the
Western Division Convention (#47)

Jun 5-6, 2015

This is an un-ordered list of contestants.
The Contest Drawing is still pending.
This is not the final singing order.
Some groups register hardships, restricting them to a specific session.
Session 1
Quartet Contest, Friday Night
Friday 6:00pm
Session 2
Chorus Contest, Saturday Morning
Friday 10:00am
Session 3
Show of Champions
Friday 7:00pm
No contestants for this session yet.
No contestants for this session yet.
No contestants for this session yet.


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Notes for Contestants

1. Please note that ALL competitors must be in possession of an all-events convention registration in order to be eligible to compete. This applies to each quartet member and each chorus member. We will be checking convention registrations so please have your registration on your person when you enter the backstage area. Registrations can be purchased on-line.

2. Quartets please note that pre-contest stage time for you will be Friday afternoon after the sound check which occurs between 3:00-4:00 PM. You will have 3 minutes each. The DVP-C&J will have a sign-up sheet available by the stage area. Stage tests will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Once it appears that there are no more quartets interested in testing the stage and those on the sign-up list have completed their stage tests, the pre-contest stage time will end.

3. QUARTET EVALUATION NOTE: Due to the high number of quartet entrants, some quartets will be evaluated Friday night and some on Saturday afternoon after the chorus evaluations. If your quartet is interested in an evaluation session at either of these times, please recall that you must schedule an evaluation and pay your $20 deposit PRIOR TO the beginning of the contest on Friday evening. It would be helpful if you submitted your $20 refundable cash deposit for the evaluation when you test the stage between 3:00 and 4:00 PM. Please note that the $20 is refunded after you complete your evaluation session. If you don't specifically ask to be scheduled for an evaluation session with the judges and pay your $20 deposit, you will not be included in the evaluation schedule. No-show deposits go to the MAD YIH program.

4. Each chorus competitor will be allotted approximately 7 minutes to test the stage on Saturday morning prior to the official start of the chorus contest. The 7-minute segment includes the time necessary for the chorus to enter, setup any props, and use the stage. The risers will be in the 9-riser configuration during stage time. Stage time will begin when the chorus is instructed to take the stage. A 2-minute warning will be issued 5 minutes into the chorus' stage time followed by a stop signal after 7 minutes when the chorus will begin to exit the stage to allow for the next competitor. Each chorus is expected to exit the stage in 2 minutes or less.

5. Stage time will be handled in the same order of appearance as the contest. If all competitors choose to schedule pre-contest stage time then stage time segments will begin promptly at 7:30 AM with first competitor that has indicated a desire to have stage time. The start time may change, depending on the number of choruses who choose to sign up for pre-contest stage time so that all choruses are completed by 9:00 AM. In order for this process to be completed in a timely and efficient manner, it is necessary for each competitor to enter and exit the stage and auditorium area promptly and quietly.

6. In order to prepare a stage time schedule, choruses desiring to take advantage of the pre-contest stage time must let DVP-C&J John Santora know of their desire to do so as soon as possible and not later than 5:00 PM, Wednesday, May 16, 2012. The schedule will then be determined and the pre-contest stage time schedule will be posted. An email with the pre-contest stage time will also be sent to each of the groups that requested stage time.

7. There is no deposit required for chorus evaluations (coaching sessions), however, if your chorus is not planning to attend the chorus evaluations, please let me know that prior to the contest so that we don't schedule you for one.

8. Videos and CDs can be purchased via the MAD Website. CDs can be picked up following your session at the sound booth; Videos will be posted on the MAD Website.

9. The top 3 quartets, top 3 choruses, and every chorus plateau award winner will be invited to sing on the Saturday night Show of Champions.