2016 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Ig Jakovac

View DELA Bio for Ig
Ig has been a member of the BHS for more than 40 years. He is the MAD Immediate Past President and current VP of Contest and Judging. He is a certified Singing Judge and is an active coach and teacher within both the BHS and Harmony Inc.

He is the Immediate Past President of the North Pennsmen Barbershop Chorus form Lansdale where he sings bass and also acts the chorus singing coach. He and his wife Anne Bureau co-direct The Liberty Belles Chorus from Lansdale (Harmony Inc.).

He was elected to DELASUSQUEHUDMAC in 2011 and was inducted into the Hall of Honnor in 2015. Ig is an avid quartet man having sung in numerous District quartets.

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